Thursday, November 24, 2011

So much to do

My timetable for the next few months... On the 2nd period I had 7 courses, but in 3rd course, which begins on Tuesday, I have 8 courses! That means I'll be at school every day 8.15-15.45. Luckily the Christmas is in the middle of the period, so at least I get some vacation. The subjects I'll be studying are Swedish, Finnish, English, mathematics, geography, philosophy, art and home economy. Hard work needed ;(

Finally I had a change to go ice skating♥♥ I spent a few hours there, and lost my voice! Luckily it didn't get worse than that because it would have been terrible to have a cold while the exam week.

So tomorrow will be an easy day, because I'll go to school only in order to finish my pottery in art class and write a self assesment about my work. Too bad I didn't concentrate much, so my work wasn't that good. The only thing I was pleased with was my photography, just used some old photos to create an artwork.
There's such a nice weekend coming though; Friday will be a nice and short day and on Saturday I go to a party with my classmates. The party is called Pikkujoulut, I bet all the Finnish readers know this party :) The word means literally "little Christmas", so it's kind of a Christmas-themed party that friends, co-workers etc. have before Christmas. Such a nice thing, and it's good to relax a bit after the exams!
Actually the last exam is on Monday, but I've many days to study so it's not that bad.
 On Sunday I'll go ice skating with friends and on Tuesday...I'll meet the study advisor as I've some problems with fitting the English courses to my study plan: I want to take the matriculation exam of English in spring of my second school year, and I should go through at least 8 courses of English before that. This year I've 3 courses of English, and next year I can go though 3 more... That makes 6! So I need to study some courses on my own during the summer or have double courses. Too difficult :<

Have a nice day everybody :)

PSST. New readers, thank you guys♥♥

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